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Companion animals count on us to look out for them. If you are aware of a situation where you think an animal is being neglected, abused, or abandoned we urge you to report it.

Animal abuse or neglect can look like:
Animals left out with no food, water, or shelter.
Animals not receiving veterinary care for obvious illness or injury.
Feces and urine in the animal's living area.
The animal is left in a house, yard, apartment, or other area that appears empty or devoid of normal human activity.
These are just examples and not an exhaustive list.

What To Do If You Suspect Abuse or Neglect
We need to speak up for those who can't. Report. If you can get pictures or videos, it makes it easier to prove the case. In Alaska it's not always clear to whom a report is filed. If you live in an incorporated area there is likely an animal shelter that will take the report. In unincorporated areas the report should be made to the Alaska State Troopers. Animal abuse and neglect is a crime in Alaska under A.S. 11.61.140 and law enforcement is required to investigate reports of crime. Click on the links below for the agency in your area. You can also report to the Alaska SPCA and we will work with the appropriate agency.
Reporting Agencies
(links open email)
Anchorage: Anchorage Animal Control
Fairbanks: Fairbanks Animal Control
Juneau: Contact by phone 907-789-6997
Palmer: Contact by phone 907-745-4811
Wasilla: Mat-Su Animal Control
Kenai: Kenai Animal Shelter
Soldotna: Soldotna Animal Control
Click here to find the Trooper outpost in your area.
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